BLACKGIRL INTERNATIONAL was formed in 1997 September as a special
place of interest to black women -- and women of color in general.
BLACKGIRL INTERNATIONAL is Web portal composed of sites that are
suggested by its readership. If you would like to recommend a site to
be added, please submit it.
This site is intended to give black women the opportunity to see
World Wide Web pages devoted to, written about, and written by them.
Here you'll find the uplifting, the empowering, the thought-provoking,
and even occasionally the controversial. The only criterion for
inclusion on these pages is that the content is about black
women, contains content of particular importance to black
women, or that the authors are black women.
Sites featured on BLACKGIRL INTERNATIONAL are now being ranked with
one, two, or three stars. One star represents a good solid Web site.
Two stars represent an outstanding, well-designed professional Web
site. Three stars represent Web sites that absolutely must not be
missed -- and our reviewing staff is reluctant to hand out three
stars. Note that sites are ranked based on their professionalism and
ease of use, not on their content. We also do not rate personal
homepages. Sites with adult content are marked mature.
Contents of linked-to sites are the responsibility of their
respective owners. BLACKGIRL INTERNATIONAL has no authority,
responsibility, or involvement with the links contained on these
If you find BLACKGIRL INTERNATIONAL has a link to your site, please
honor us with a link back. Help spread the word.